Monday, December 16, 2013

Harper's Christmas List

With less than two weeks until Christmas, its time to finish all my shopping, wrapping and stocking stuffing and start enjoying the last little bit of Christmas festivities. I still have some big things on my to-do list such as baking Christmas cookies, taking Harper to see Santa at the mall, and going to look at Christmas lights. This truly is my favorite time of year! I love, love, love giving gifts and so I'm especially excited that I get to play Santa this year!

 I know Harper will not remember this year but that doesn't mean I'm not starting her Christmas traditions anyway. I can't wait to watch her rip open her presents (which will probably be her favorite part) and see her face when she gets all her new toys and books. I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but Harper looooooves books. She will sit in my lap and let me read to her for an eternity. Plus she loves to play with them and just turn the pages and point to things over and over and over. She is getting a few new books for Christmas that I think will be a big hit.

Something that Tyler and I are starting this year is the "Christmas Eve" present, which contains new pj's, a new Christmas book, and maybe a movie that we can all watch together before bed that night. Also, we have decided that, aside from Santa Claus's gifts, Harper will always only get 4 gifts from us. They are "Something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read." She can make us a list each year of what she wants but ultimately will only get those 4 presents. Like I said, she will of course still get stuff from Santa and her grandparents and the rest of our families but from Mama and Daddy, it will only be the 4 things. I think it will teach her to be appreciative and thankful and she will really have to think about what she wants or needs when making her list each year. I also plan to always adopt a Christmas Angel with her to teach her about giving to others who are less fortunate than she is. After all, I think that is the true spirit of Christmas. Giving to others.

So here are most of the things that will be under Harper's tree this year. This is stuff from both Santa, and the 4 things from us. Let me say, shopping for her first Christmas has been soooo fun! I could have easily kept on and kept on shopping, but I had to listen to my own lesson for Harper and show a little restraint, and be appreciative for all that we already have. She is truly one blessed little girl that doesn't ever really need anything and for that I am very thankful. So without further ado, Harper's list!