Thursday, January 30, 2014

Harper's First Birthday!

Its been a couple weeks since our big girl turned 1 and had her very first birthday party! I finally got around to uploading all the pictures (there were many) and am so excited to share them with you! She had the best day despite getting her 1 year shots the day before, which are never fun. But she seemed to not be bothered much which I was very thankful for. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel like crap at her own party.

 I was so happy with how everything turned out! I have been thinking about this party for a while now and it was great to finally see my "vision" come to life. We went with a "classic birthday" theme with lots of balloons, confetti, and sprinkles. We had tons of desserts and glass bottle cokes which were such a hit, especially with Harper.

She LOVED having everyones attention and all eyes on her! She totally hammed it up and enjoyed every minute. She had her first taste of cake, ice cream, coke, and doughnut all of which she was obsessed with! I'm sure she wonders why we don't eat that for every meal now. She got so many great presents from everyone and she seriously loves them all! Overall it was a great party and the birthday girl had a blast, which is always my ultimate goal!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013-Year In Review

Well its 2014! I can honestly say that 2013 has been one of the best years of my life thanks to Tyler and our sweet Harper. They make everything more fun! This year was a year of firsts for us. First smile, first tooth, first holidays, first vacations...and the list goes on. It's kind of sad that all her "firsts" are pretty much over, but I know that things will just get more and more fun as time goes on. Here are some of my favorite moments from 2013:

Right before Harper made her grand entrance. 

Tiny, brand new Harper Mitchell Haraway.

LOVE that little lip :)

About 3 months old staying in her first hotel. (In Atlanta to watch her granddaddy run in a race)

Naked baby booties are the best!

Back when she would actually nap in her crib...sigh. 

Balder than ever at her first Arts Alive!

What a ham!!!

Our favorite spot at the beach; drinking coffee on the deck every morning. 

Sitting up by herself for the first time on 4th of July! 

First time riding in the buggy like a big girl. 

6 months model shots. Getting chubby :)

Such a stinker! 

She started eating real food and couldn't be happier about it!

First time at the fair!

Strolling the streets of Chicago.

First flower girl experience in aunt Toni's wedding. 

UNA's homecoming parade which she loved!

Learning how to pull up :)

Chasing her fav balloon on Halloween. 

Loving on her "bah-bee"

Obsessed with watching Daddy play with the iPad. 

She saw Santa and didn't cry!!!

Christmas mornings will never be the same :)

We had a great year and I can't wait to see what 2014 brings! It has some pretty big shoes to fill. Happy New Year!